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    Simple Vocabulary Term JFSC Anastomosis of intestine
    Simple Vocabulary Term JFSC00 Entero-enterostomy
    Simple Vocabulary Term JFSC01 Laparoscopic entero-enterostomy
    Simple Vocabulary Term JFSC10 Ileotransversostomy
    Simple Vocabulary Term JFSC11 Laparoscopic ileotransversostomy
    Simple Vocabulary Term JFSC20 Other enterocolostomy
    Simple Vocabulary Term JFSC21 Other laparoscopic enterocolostomy
    Simple Vocabulary Term JFSC30 Colo-colostomy
    Simple Vocabulary Term JFSC31 Laparoscopic colo-colostomy
    Simple Vocabulary Term JFSC40 Ileorectostomy
    Simple Vocabulary Term JFSC41 Laparoscopic ileorectostomy
    Simple Vocabulary Term JFSC50 Colorectostomy
    Simple Vocabulary Term JFSC51 Laparoscopic colorectostomy
    Simple Vocabulary Term JFSD Intestinal bypass operations
    Simple Vocabulary Term JFSD00 Jejunoileal bypass
    Simple Vocabulary Term JFSD03 Duodenoileal bypass with biliopancreatic diversion
    Simple Vocabulary Term JFSD04 Laparoscopic duodenoileal bypass with biliopancreatic diversion
    Simple Vocabulary Term JFSD10 Revision of jejunoileal bypass
    Simple Vocabulary Term JFSD13 Revision of duodenoileal bypass
    Simple Vocabulary Term JFSD20 Restoration of continuity after jejunoileal bypass
    Simple Vocabulary Term JFSD23 Restoration of continuity after duodenoileal bypass
    Simple Vocabulary Term JFSD96 Other intestinal bypass operation
    Simple Vocabulary Term JFSE00 Transplantation of small intestine
    Simple Vocabulary Term JFSE96 Other operation relating to transplantation of small intestine
    Simple Vocabulary Term JFSF Exteriorisation of intestine and creation of intestinal stomas
    Simple Vocabulary Term JFSF00 Catheter enterostomy
    Simple Vocabulary Term JFSF01 Laparoscopic catheter enterostomy
    Simple Vocabulary Term JFSF10 Loop enterostomy
    Simple Vocabulary Term JFSF11 Laparoscopic loop enterostomy
    Simple Vocabulary Term JFSF13 Terminal enterostomy
    Simple Vocabulary Term JFSF16 Conversion of ileoanal anastomosis to ileostomy
    Simple Vocabulary Term JFSF20 Caecostomy
    Simple Vocabulary Term JFSF21 Laparoscopic caecostomy
    Simple Vocabulary Term JFSF23 Transversostomy
    Simple Vocabulary Term JFSF24 Laparoscopic transversostomy
    Simple Vocabulary Term JFSF26 Sigmoidostomy
    Simple Vocabulary Term JFSF27 Laparoscopic sigmoidostomy
    Simple Vocabulary Term JFSF30 Other colostomy
    Simple Vocabulary Term JFSF31 Other laparoscopic colostomy
    Simple Vocabulary Term JFSF40 Appendicostomy
    Simple Vocabulary Term JFSF41 Laparoscopic appendicostomy
    Simple Vocabulary Term JFSF50 Exteriorisation of loop of colon without opening
    Simple Vocabulary Term JFSF51 Laparoscopic exteriorisation of loop of colon without opening
    Simple Vocabulary Term JFSF60 Opening of exteriorised loop of colon
    Simple Vocabulary Term JFSF96 Other exteriorisation of intestine or creation of intestinal stoma
    Simple Vocabulary Term JFSF97 Other laparoscopic exteriorisation of intestine or creation of intestinal stoma
    Simple Vocabulary Term JFSG Operations on intestinal stoma or pouch
    Simple Vocabulary Term JFSG00 Closure of loop enterostomy without resection
    Simple Vocabulary Term JFSG10 Closure of loop colostomy without resection
    Simple Vocabulary Term JFSG20 Closure of enterostomy with resection of exteriorised loop
    Simple Vocabulary Term JFSG23 Closure of terminal enterostomy with anastomosis to small intestine
    Simple Vocabulary Term JFSG26 Closure of terminal enterostomy with anastomosis to colon
    Simple Vocabulary Term JFSG29 Closure of terminal enterostomy with anastomosis to rectum
    Simple Vocabulary Term JFSG30 Closure of colostomy with resection of exteriorised loop
    Simple Vocabulary Term JFSG33 Closure of terminal colostomy with anastomosis to colon
    Simple Vocabulary Term JFSG36 Closure of terminal colostomy with anastomosis to rectum
    Simple Vocabulary Term JFSG40 Revision of enterostomy or colostomy without laparotomy
    Simple Vocabulary Term JFSG50 Laparotomy with revision of enterostomy or colostomy
    Simple Vocabulary Term JFSG53 Revision of ileal pelvic pouch
    Simple Vocabulary Term JFSG56 Revision of colonic pelvic pouch
    Simple Vocabulary Term JFSG60 Conversion of conventional ileostomy to continent ileostomy
    Simple Vocabulary Term JFSG70 Conversion of continent ileostomy to conventional ileostomy
    Simple Vocabulary Term JFSG73 Excision of ileal pelvic pouch
    Simple Vocabulary Term JFSG76 Excision of colonic pelvic pouch with colorectal or coloanal anastomosis
    Simple Vocabulary Term JFSG80 Excision of ileal pouch with construction of new continent ileostomy
    Simple Vocabulary Term JFSG83 Excision of colonic pelvic pouch and construction of new pouch
    Simple Vocabulary Term JFSG86 Excision of ileal pelvic pouch and construction of new pouch
    Simple Vocabulary Term JFSG96 Other operation on intestinal stoma or pouch
    Simple Vocabulary Term JFSH Total colectomy
    Simple Vocabulary Term JFSH00 Total colectomy and ileorectal anastomosis
    Simple Vocabulary Term JFSH01 Laparoscopic total colectomy and ileorectal anastomosis
    Simple Vocabulary Term JFSH10 Total colectomy and ileostomy
    Simple Vocabulary Term JFSH11 Laparoscopic total colectomy and ileostomy
    Simple Vocabulary Term JFSH20 Proctocolectomy and ileostomy
    Simple Vocabulary Term JFSH30 Total colectomy, mucosal proctectomy and ileoanal anastomosis without ileostomy
    Simple Vocabulary Term JFSH31 Laparoscopic total colectomy, mucosal proctectomy and ileoanal anastomosis without ileostomy
    Simple Vocabulary Term JFSH33 Total colectomy, mucosal proctectomy, ileoanal anastomosis and ileostomy
    Simple Vocabulary Term JFSH40 Proctocolectomy and continent ileostomy
    Simple Vocabulary Term JFSH96 Other total colectomy
    Simple Vocabulary Term JFSJ Fixation of intestine to abdominal wall
    Simple Vocabulary Term JFSJ00 Coecopexy
    Simple Vocabulary Term JFSJ01 Laparoscopic coecopexy
    Simple Vocabulary Term JFSJ96 Other enteropexy or colopexy
    Simple Vocabulary Term JFSJ97 Other laparoscopic enteropexy or colopexy
    Simple Vocabulary Term JFSK Operations on adhesions in intestinal obstruction
    Simple Vocabulary Term JFSK00 Division of adhesive band in intestinal obstruction
    Simple Vocabulary Term JFSK01 Laparoscopic division of adhesive band in intestinal obstruction
    Simple Vocabulary Term JFSK10 Freeing of adhesions in intestinal obstruction
    Simple Vocabulary Term JFSK11 Laparoscopic freeing of adhesions in intestinal obstruction
    Simple Vocabulary Term JFSK20 Freeing of adhesions and plication of small intestine
    Simple Vocabulary Term JFSK96 Other operation on adhesions in intestinal obstruction
    Simple Vocabulary Term JFSK97 Other laparoscopic operation on adhesions in intestinal obstruction
    Simple Vocabulary Term JFSL Operations for intestinal obstruction without resection or freeing of adhesions
    Simple Vocabulary Term JFSL00 Open reduction of intussusception of intestine
    Simple Vocabulary Term JFSL10 Laparotomy and manipulation of obstructed intestine
    Simple Vocabulary Term JFSL11 Laparoscopic manipulation of obstructed intestine
    Simple Vocabulary Term JFSL20 Laparotomy and manipulation of impacted material
    Simple Vocabulary Term JFSL96 Other operation for intestinal obstruction without resection or freeing of adhesions
    Simple Vocabulary Term JFSM Intraoperative irrigation of colon (DELETED)
    Simple Vocabulary Term JFSM00 Intraoperative irrigation of colon