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    Simple Vocabulary Term JDSA61 Laparoscopic closure of perforated ulcer of stomach
    Simple Vocabulary Term JDSA63 Local excision of lesion of stomach
    Simple Vocabulary Term JDSB Gastrostomy
    Simple Vocabulary Term JDSB00 Gastrostomy
    Simple Vocabulary Term JDSB01 Laparoscopic gastrostomy
    Simple Vocabulary Term JDSB10 Percutaneous gastrostomy
    Simple Vocabulary Term JDSC Partial gastrectomy
    Simple Vocabulary Term JDSC00 Partial gastrectomy and gastroduodenostomy
    Simple Vocabulary Term JDSC10 Partial gastrectomy and gastrojejunostomy
    Simple Vocabulary Term JDSC11 Laparoscopic partial gastrectomy and gastrojejunostomy
    Simple Vocabulary Term JDSC20 Partial gastrectomy and Roux-en-Y reconstruction
    Simple Vocabulary Term JDSC30 Partial gastrectomy with interposition of jejunum
    Simple Vocabulary Term JDSC40 Partial gastrectomy and oesophagogastrostomy
    Simple Vocabulary Term JDSC96 Partial gastrectomy with other reconstruction
    Simple Vocabulary Term JDSC97 Laparoscopic partial gastrectomy with other reconstruction
    Simple Vocabulary Term JDSD Total gastrectomy
    Simple Vocabulary Term JDSD00 Total gastrectomy and Roux-en-Y oesophagojejunostomy
    Simple Vocabulary Term JDSD96 Total gastrectomy with other reconstruction
    Simple Vocabulary Term JDSE Anastomosis of stomach without concurrent gastrectomy
    Simple Vocabulary Term JDSE00 Gastrojejunostomy
    Simple Vocabulary Term JDSE01 Laparoscopic gastroenterostomy
    Simple Vocabulary Term JDSE10 Conversion of gastrojejunostomy to Roux-en-Y anastomosis
    Simple Vocabulary Term JDSE20 Conversion of gastrojejunostomy to gastroduodenostomy with interposition of jejunum
    Simple Vocabulary Term JDSE96 Other anastomosis of stomach without concurrent gastrectomy
    Simple Vocabulary Term JDSF Bariatric operations on stomach
    Simple Vocabulary Term JDSF00 Gastroplasty
    Simple Vocabulary Term JDSF01 Laparoscopic gastroplasty
    Simple Vocabulary Term JDSF10 Gastric bypass
    Simple Vocabulary Term JDSF11 Laparoscopic gastric bypass
    Simple Vocabulary Term JDSF20 Gastric banding
    Simple Vocabulary Term JDSF21 Laparoscopic gastric banding
    Simple Vocabulary Term JDSF32 Gastroscopic insertion of expanding foreign body into stomach
    Simple Vocabulary Term JDSF96 Other bariatric operation on stomach
    Simple Vocabulary Term JDSF97 Other laparoscopic bariatric operation on stomach
    Simple Vocabulary Term JDSF98 Other gastroscopic bariatric procedure on stomach
    Simple Vocabulary Term JDSG Vagotomy
    Simple Vocabulary Term JDSG00 Truncal vagotomy
    Simple Vocabulary Term JDSG01 Laparoscopic or thoracoscopic truncal vagotomy
    Simple Vocabulary Term JDSG10 Proximal gastric vagotomy
    Simple Vocabulary Term JDSG11 Laparoscopic proximal gastric vagotomy
    Simple Vocabulary Term JDSG96 Other vagotomy
    Simple Vocabulary Term JDSG97 Other laparoscopic vagotomy
    Simple Vocabulary Term JDSH Operations on pylorus and duodenum
    Simple Vocabulary Term JDSH00 Duodenotomy
    Simple Vocabulary Term JDSH05 Endoscopic polypectomy in duodenum
    Simple Vocabulary Term JDSH08 Endoscopic removal of foreign body from duodenum
    Simple Vocabulary Term JDSH15 Endoscopic injection in duodenum
    Simple Vocabulary Term JDSH18 Endoscopic contact coagulation in duodenum
    Simple Vocabulary Term JDSH22 Endoscopic laser therapy in duodenum
    Simple Vocabulary Term JDSH25 Other endoscopic haemostatic procedure in duodenum
    Simple Vocabulary Term JDSH28 Other endoscopic procedure using diathermy or heat in duodenum
    Simple Vocabulary Term JDSH32 Endoscopic dilatation of duodenum
    Simple Vocabulary Term JDSH35 Endoscopic insertion of duodenal stent
    Simple Vocabulary Term JDSH40 Duodenostomy on duodenal bulb
    Simple Vocabulary Term JDSH41 Laparoscopic duodenostomy on duodenal bulb
    Simple Vocabulary Term JDSH50 Local excision of lesion of duodenal bulb
    Simple Vocabulary Term JDSH52 Endoscopic mucosal or submucosal resection in duodenum
    Simple Vocabulary Term JDSH60 Pyloromyotomy
    Simple Vocabulary Term JDSH61 Laparoscopic pyloromyotomy
    Simple Vocabulary Term JDSH62 Perforation of duodenal membrane
    Simple Vocabulary Term JDSH63 Pyloroplasty
    Simple Vocabulary Term JDSH70 Closure of perforated ulcer of duodenum
    Simple Vocabulary Term JDSH71 Laparoscopic closure of perforated ulcer of duodenum
    Simple Vocabulary Term JDSW Other operations on stomach and duodenum
    Simple Vocabulary Term JDSW96 Other operation on stomach or duodenum
    Simple Vocabulary Term JDSW97 Other laparoscopic operation on stomach or duodenum
    Simple Vocabulary Term JDSW98 Other transluminal endoscopic operation on stomach or duodenum
    Simple Vocabulary Term JDX Other procedures of stomach and duodenum
    Simple Vocabulary Term JDXA00 Check-up and adjustment of gastric banding
    Simple Vocabulary Term JDXX00 Insertion of nasogastric or naso-gastroduodenal tube
    Simple Vocabulary Term JDXX02 Insertion of tube through gastrostomy
    Simple Vocabulary Term JDXX10 Insertion of other tube into stomach or duodenum
    Simple Vocabulary Term JDXX20 Change of gastrostomy tube
    Simple Vocabulary Term JDXX30 Gastric irrigation
    Simple Vocabulary Term JE Appendix
    Simple Vocabulary Term JES Surgery of appendix
    Simple Vocabulary Term JESA Appendectomy
    Simple Vocabulary Term JESA00 Appendectomy
    Simple Vocabulary Term JESA01 Laparoscopic appendectomy
    Simple Vocabulary Term JESA10 Appendectomy with drainage
    Simple Vocabulary Term JESW Other operations on appendix
    Simple Vocabulary Term JESW96 Other operation on appendix
    Simple Vocabulary Term JESW97 Other laparoscopic operation on appendix
    Simple Vocabulary Term JF Intestine
    Simple Vocabulary Term JFD Diagnostic radiology of intestine
    Simple Vocabulary Term JFDB00 Gastrointestinal stoma X-ray examination
    Simple Vocabulary Term JFDB1A Passage examination of small bowell with X-ray
    Simple Vocabulary Term JFDB1B Small bowel X-ray examination with duple contrast
    Simple Vocabulary Term JFDB2A Colongraphy with X-ray
    Simple Vocabulary Term JFDB2B Colonography with duple contrast
    Simple Vocabulary Term JFDB2J Colon transit examination with X-ray
    Simple Vocabulary Term JFDB30 Bowel reservoir X-ray examination
    Simple Vocabulary Term JFDD1A Small bowel CT
    Simple Vocabulary Term JFDD2A Colon CT
    Simple Vocabulary Term JFDD4P CT examination of bowel perfusion
    Simple Vocabulary Term JFDE00 Ultrasonography through intestinal stoma
    Simple Vocabulary Term JFDE02 Endoscopic ultrasonography through intestinal stoma
    Simple Vocabulary Term JFE Endoscopy of intestine
    Simple Vocabulary Term JFE002 Peroral enteroscopy
    Simple Vocabulary Term JFE003 Endoscopic remowal of foreign body from small intestine