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    Simple Vocabulary Term JASL30 Omentectomy
    Simple Vocabulary Term JASL31 Laparoscopic omentectomy
    Simple Vocabulary Term JASL50 Intraabdominal revision of shunt of ventricle of brain
    Simple Vocabulary Term JASL51 Laparoscopic revision of shunt of ventricle of brain
    Simple Vocabulary Term JASL96 Other local operation on peritoneum or peritoneal cavity
    Simple Vocabulary Term JASL97 Other laparoscopic local operation on peritoneum or peritoneal cavity
    Simple Vocabulary Term JASM Transposition of omentum and mesentery
    Simple Vocabulary Term JASM00 Transposition of omentum
    Simple Vocabulary Term JASM10 Operation for malrotation of intestine
    Simple Vocabulary Term JASN Peritoneovenous shunt operations
    Simple Vocabulary Term JASN00 Creation of peritoneovenous shunt
    Simple Vocabulary Term JASN10 Revision of peritoneovenous shunt
    Simple Vocabulary Term JASN20 Removal of peritoneovenous shunt
    Simple Vocabulary Term JASP Freeing of adhesions in the peritoneal cavity
    Simple Vocabulary Term JASP00 Freeing of adhesions in the peritoneal cavity
    Simple Vocabulary Term JASP01 Laparoscopic freeing of adhesions in the peritoneal cavity
    Simple Vocabulary Term JASQ Extensive excision of peritoneum and related procedures
    Simple Vocabulary Term JASQ00 Extensive excision of peritoneum
    Simple Vocabulary Term JASQ10 Intraoperative hypertermic chemotherapeutic perfusion of abdominal cavity
    Simple Vocabulary Term JASW Other operations on abdominal wall, peritoneum, mesentery and omentum
    Simple Vocabulary Term JASW96 Other operation on abdominal wall, peritoneum, mesentery or omentum
    Simple Vocabulary Term JASW97 Other laparoscopic operation on abdominal wall, peritoneum, mesentery or omentum
    Simple Vocabulary Term JAX Other procedures of abdominal wall, mesenetry, peritoneum and omentum
    Simple Vocabulary Term JAXA00 Heat coagulation of abdominal wall
    Simple Vocabulary Term JAXX00 Puncture of peritoneum
    Simple Vocabulary Term JAXX10 Abdominal paracentesis
    Simple Vocabulary Term JAXX12 Percutaneous drainage of peritoneal cavity
    Simple Vocabulary Term JAXX14 Exchange abdominal catheter
    Simple Vocabulary Term JAXX20 Percutaneous peritoneal irrigation
    Simple Vocabulary Term JAXX33 Percutaneous introduction of peritoneal dialysis catheter
    Simple Vocabulary Term JAXX34 Laparoscopy and revision of peritoneal dialysis catheter
    Simple Vocabulary Term JAXX35 Removal of peritoneal dialysis catheter
    Simple Vocabulary Term JAXX37 Rinsing of peritoneal dialysis catheter
    Simple Vocabulary Term JAXX40 Percutaneous local drainage of peritoneal cavity
    Simple Vocabulary Term JAXX50 Introduction of intraperitoneal injection port
    Simple Vocabulary Term JAXX55 Removal of intraperitoneal injection port
    Simple Vocabulary Term JB Diaphragm and gastro-oesophageal reflux
    Simple Vocabulary Term JBD Diagnostic radiology of diaphragm
    Simple Vocabulary Term JBDB1J Diafragmatic hernia X-ray examination
    Simple Vocabulary Term JBS Surgery of diaphragm and gastro-oesophageal reflux
    Simple Vocabulary Term JBSA Transabdominal operations for rupture or local lesion of diaphragm
    Simple Vocabulary Term JBSA00 Transabdominal repair of diaphragm for rupture
    Simple Vocabulary Term JBSA01 Laparoscopic repair of diaphragm for rupture
    Simple Vocabulary Term JBSA10 Transabdominal biopsy or excision of lesion of diaphragm
    Simple Vocabulary Term JBSA11 Laprasoscopic biopsy or excision of lesion of diaphragm
    Simple Vocabulary Term JBSA20 Transabdominal partial excision of diaphragm
    Simple Vocabulary Term JBSA21 Laparoscopic partial excision of diaphragm
    Simple Vocabulary Term JBSB Operations for diaphragmatic hernia
    Simple Vocabulary Term JBSB00 Repair of paraoesophageal hernia
    Simple Vocabulary Term JBSB01 Laparoscopic repair of paraoesophageal hernia
    Simple Vocabulary Term JBSB10 Repair of congenital diaphragmatic hernia
    Simple Vocabulary Term JBSB11 Laparoscopic repair of congenital diaphragmatic hernia
    Simple Vocabulary Term JBSB96 Repair of other diaphragmatic hernia
    Simple Vocabulary Term JBSB97 Laparoscopic repair of other diaphragmatic hernia
    Simple Vocabulary Term JBSC Operations for gastro-oesophageal reflux disease
    Simple Vocabulary Term JBSC00 Gastro-oesophageal antireflux operation
    Simple Vocabulary Term JBSC01 Laparoscopic gastro-oesophageal antireflux operation
    Simple Vocabulary Term JBSC02 Transluminal gastro-oesophageal antireflux operation
    Simple Vocabulary Term JBSW Other transabdominal operations on diaphragm and operations for gastro-oesophageal reflux
    Simple Vocabulary Term JBSW96 Other transabdominal operation on diaphragm or operation for gastro-oesophageal reflux
    Simple Vocabulary Term JBSW97 Other laparoscopic operation on diaphragm or laparoscopic or thoracoscopic operation for gastro-
    Simple Vocabulary Term JC Oesophagus
    Simple Vocabulary Term JCD Diagnostic radiology of oesophagus
    Simple Vocabulary Term JCDB1A Hypopharyngx X-ray examination with contrast
    Simple Vocabulary Term JCDB2A Oesophagus X-ray examination with contrast
    Simple Vocabulary Term JCDB2B Oesophagus X-ray examination with douple contrast
    Simple Vocabulary Term JCDB2J Functional kinetic X-ray examination oesophagus
    Simple Vocabulary Term JCDB2K Functional examination of swallowing
    Simple Vocabulary Term JCE Endoscopy of oesophagus
    Simple Vocabulary Term JCE001 Scopy of lower throat
    Simple Vocabulary Term JCE002 Rigid oesophagoscopy
    Simple Vocabulary Term JCE005 Rigid oesophagoscopy with biopsy
    Simple Vocabulary Term JCE012 Flexible oesophagoscopy
    Simple Vocabulary Term JCE015 Flexible oesophagoscopy with biopsy
    Simple Vocabulary Term JCF Other diagnostic procedure of oesophagus
    Simple Vocabulary Term JCFC00 Oesophageal manometry
    Simple Vocabulary Term JCFC02 Measurement of oesophageal pressure and pressure profile of lower oesophageal sphincter
    Simple Vocabulary Term JCFC10 Oesophageal pH monitoring
    Simple Vocabulary Term JCFC15 Follow-up of esophagus function and pressure
    Simple Vocabulary Term JCFC20 Oesophageal electromyography
    Simple Vocabulary Term JCI Oesophagus isotope examination
    Simple Vocabulary Term JCIA00 Oesophagus function isotope imaging
    Simple Vocabulary Term JCO Radiotherapy of oesophagus
    Simple Vocabulary Term JCO001 Preoperative radiotherapy of oesophagus
    Simple Vocabulary Term JCO002 Radical radiotherapy of oesophagus
    Simple Vocabulary Term JCO003 Adjuvant radiotherapy of oesophagus
    Simple Vocabulary Term JCO004 Palliative radiotherapy of oesophagus
    Simple Vocabulary Term JCO029 Radiotherapy of local recidive of tumor in oesophagus
    Simple Vocabulary Term JCO049 Radiotherapy of methastasis in oesophagus
    Simple Vocabulary Term JCO090 Profylactic radiotherapy of oesophagus
    Simple Vocabulary Term JCO099 Other radiotherapy of oesophagus
    Simple Vocabulary Term JCS Surgery of oesophagus
    Simple Vocabulary Term JCSA Local operations on oesophagus
    Simple Vocabulary Term JCSA00 Oesophagotomy
    Simple Vocabulary Term JCSA01 Laparoscopic or thoracoscopic excision of lesion of oesophagus
    Simple Vocabulary Term JCSA05 Endoscopic polypectomy in oesophagus
    Simple Vocabulary Term JCSA08 Endoscopic removal of foreign body from oesophagus
    Simple Vocabulary Term JCSA12 Endoscopic diverticulo-oesophagostomy
    Simple Vocabulary Term JCSA20 Ligature of oesophageal varices
    Simple Vocabulary Term JCSA22 Endoscopic ligature of oesophageal varices